"I have gathered a posie of other men's flowers, and nothing but
the thread that binds them is mine own."
_Copyright, 1875, 1882, 1891, 1903,_
"Out of the old fieldes cometh al this new corne fro yere to yere,"
And out of the fresh woodes cometh al these new flowres here.
THE small thin volume, the first to bear the title of this collection,
after passing through eight editions, each enlarged, now culminates in
its ninth,--and with it, closes its tentative life.
This extract from the Preface of the fourth edition is applicable to the
present one:--
"It is not easy to determine in all cases the degree of familiarity that
may belong to phrases and sentences which present themselves for
admission; for what is familiar to one class of readers may be quite new
to another. Many maxims of the most famous writers of our language, and
numberless curious and happy turns from orators and poets, have knocked
at the door, and it was hard to deny them. But to admit these simply on
their own merits, without assurance that the general reader would readily
recognize them as old friends, was aside from the purpose of this
collection. Still, it has been thought better to incur the risk of erring
on the side of fulness."
With the many additions to the English writers, the present edition
contains selections from the French, and from the wit and wisdom of the
ancients. A few passages have been admitted without a claim to
familiarity, but solely on the ground of coincidence of thought.
I am under great obligations to M. H. MORGAN, Ph. D., of Harvard
University, for the translation of Marcus Aurelius, and for the
translation and selections from the Greek tragic writers. I am indebted
to the kindness of Mr. DANIEL W. WILDER, of Kansas, for the quotations
from Pilpay, with contributions from Diogenes Laertius, Montaigne,
Burton, and Pope's Homer; to Dr. WILLIAM J. ROLFE for quotations from
Robert Browning; to Mr. JAMES W. MCINTYRE for quotations from Coleridge,
Shelley, Keats, Mrs. Browning, Robert Browning, and Tennyson. And I have
incurred other obligations to friends for here a little and there a
It gives me pleasure to acknowledge the great assistance I have received
from Mr. A. W. STEVENS, the accomplished reader of the University Press,
as this work was passing through the press.
In withdrawing from this very agreeable pursuit, I beg to offer my
sincere thanks to all who have assisted me either in the way of
suggestions or by contributions; and especially to those lovers of this
subsidiary literature for their kind appreciation of former editions.
Accepted by scholars as an authoritative book of reference, it has grown
with its growth in public estimation with each reissue. Of the last two
editions forty thousand copies were printed, apart from the English
reprints. The present enlargement of text equals three hundred and fifty
pages of the previous edition, and the index is increased with upwards of
ten thousand lines.
CAMBRIDGE, March, 1891.
(_From the text of Tyrwhitt._)
WHANNE that April with his shoures sote
The droughte of March hath perced to the rote.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 1._
And smale foules maken melodie,
That slepen alle night with open eye,
So priketh hem nature in hir corages;
Than longen folk to gon on pilgrimages.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 9._
And of his port as meke as is a mayde.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 69._
He was a veray parfit gentil knight.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 72._
He coude songes make, and wel endite.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 95._
Ful wel she sange the service devine,
Entuned in hire nose ful swetely;
And Frenche she spake ful fayre and fetisly,
After the scole of Stratford atte bowe,
For Frenche of Paris was to hire unknowe.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 122._
A Clerk ther was of Oxenforde also.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 287._
For him was lever han at his beddes hed
A twenty bokes, clothed in black or red,
Of Aristotle, and his philosophie,
Than robes riche, or fidel, or sautrie.
But all be that he was a philosophre,
Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 295._
And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 310._
Nowher so besy a man as he ther n' as,
And yet he semed besier than he was.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 323._
His studie was but litel on the Bible.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 440._
For gold in phisike is a cordial;
Therefore he loved gold in special.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 445._
Wide was his parish, and houses fer asonder.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 493._
This noble ensample to his shepe he yaf,--
That first he wrought, and afterwards he taught.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 498._
But Cristes lore, and his apostles twelve,
He taught; but first he folwed it himselve.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 529._
And yet he had a thomb of gold parde.[2-1]
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 565._
Who so shall telle a tale after a man,
He moste reherse, as neighe as ever he can,
Everich word, if it be in his charge,
All speke he never so rudely and so large;
Or elles he moste tellen his tale untrewe,
Or feinen thinges, or finden wordes newe.
_Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Line 733._
For May wol have no slogardie a-night.
The seson priketh every gentil herte,
And maketh him out of his slepe to sterte.
_Canterbury Tales. The Knightes Tale. Line 1044._
That field hath eyen, and the wood hath ears.[2-2]
_Canterbury Tales. The Knightes Tale. Line 1524._
Up rose the sonne, and up rose Emelie.
_Canterbury Tales. The Knightes Tale. Line 2275._
Min be the travaille, and thin be the glorie.
_Canterbury Tales. The Knightes Tale. Line 2408._
To maken vertue of necessite.[3-1]
_Canterbury Tales. The Knightes Tale. Line 3044._
And brought of mighty ale a large quart.
_Canterbury Tales. The Milleres Tale. Line 3497._
Ther n' is no werkman whatever he be,
That may both werken wel and hastily.[3-2]
This wol be done at leisure parfitly.[3-3]
_Canterbury Tales. The Marchantes Tale. Line 585._
Yet in our ashen cold is fire yreken.[3-4]
_Canterbury Tales. The Reves Prologue. Line 3880._
The gretest clerkes ben not the wisest men.
_Canterbury Tales. The Reves Tale. Line 4051._
So was hire joly whistle wel ywette.
_Canterbury Tales. The Reves Tale. Line 4153._
In his owen grese I made him frie.[3-5]
_Canterbury Tales. The Reves Tale. Line 6069._
And for to see, and eek for to be seie.[3-6]
_Canterbury Tales. The Wif of Bathes Prologue. Line 6134._
I hold a mouses wit not worth a leke,
That hath but on hole for to sterten to.[4-1]
_Canterbury Tales. The Wif of Bathes Prologue. Line 6154._
Loke who that is most vertuous alway,
Prive and apert, and most entendeth ay
To do the gentil dedes that he can,
And take him for the gretest gentilman.
_Canterbury Tales. The Wif of Bathes Tale. Line 6695._
That he is gentil that doth gentil dedis.[4-2]
_Canterbury Tales. The Wif of Bathes Tale. Line 6752._
This flour of wifly patience.
_Canterbury Tales. The Clerkes Tale. Part v. Line 8797._
They demen gladly to the badder end.
_Canterbury Tales. The Squieres Tale. Line 10538._
Therefore behoveth him a ful long spone,
That shall eat with a fend.[4-3]
_Canterbury Tales. The Squieres Tale. Line 10916._
Fie on possession,
But if a man be vertuous withal.
_Canterbury Tales. The Frankeleines Prologue. Line 10998._
Truth is the highest thing that man may keep.
_Canterbury Tales. The Frankeleines Tale. Line 11789._
Full wise is he that can himselven knowe.[4-4]
_Canterbury Tales. The Monkes Tale. Line 1449._
Mordre wol out, that see we day by day.[5-1]
_Canterbury Tales. The Nonnes Preestes Tale. Line 15058._
But all thing which that shineth as the gold
Ne is no gold, as I have herd it told.[5-2]
_Canterbury Tales. The Chanones Yemannes Tale. Line 16430._
The firste vertue, sone, if thou wilt lere,
Is to restreine and kepen wel thy tonge.
_Canterbury Tales. The Manciples Tale. Line 17281._
The proverbe saith that many a smale maketh a grate.[5-3]
_Canterbury Tales. Persones Tale._
Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese.[5-4]
_Troilus and Creseide. Book ii. Line 470._
Right as an aspen lefe she gan to quake.
_Troilus and Creseide. Book ii. Line 1201._
For of fortunes sharpe adversite,
The worst kind of infortune is this,--
A man that hath been in prosperite,
And it remember whan it passed is.
_Troilus and Creseide. Book iii. Line 1625._
He helde about him alway, out of drede,
A world of folke.
_Troilus and Creseide. Book iii. Line 1721._
One eare it heard, at the other out it went.[6-1]
_Troilus and Creseide. Book iv. Line 435._
Eke wonder last but nine deies never in toun.[6-2]
_Troilus and Creseide. Book iv. Line 525._
I am right sorry for your heavinesse.
_Troilus and Creseide. Book v. Line 146._
Go, little booke! go, my little tragedie!
_Troilus and Creseide. Book v. Line 1798._
Your duty is, as ferre as I can gesse.
_The Court of Love. Line 178._
The lyfe so short, the craft so long to lerne,[6-3]
Th' assay so hard, so sharpe the conquering.
_The Assembly of Fowles. Line 1._
For out of the old fieldes, as men saithe,
Cometh al this new corne fro yere to yere;
And out of old bookes, in good faithe,
Cometh al this new science that men lere.
_The Assembly of Fowles. Line 22._
Nature, the vicar of the Almightie Lord.
_The Assembly of Fowles. Line 379._
O little booke, thou art so unconning,
How darst thou put thy-self in prees for drede?
_The Flower and the Leaf. Line 59._
Of all the floures in the mede,
Than love I most these floures white and rede,
Soch that men callen daisies in our toun.
_Prologue of the Legend of Good Women. Line 41._
That well by reason men it call may
The daisie, or els the eye of the day,
The emprise, and floure of floures all.
_Prologue of the Legend of Good Women. Line 183._
For iii may keep a counsel if twain be away.[6-4]
_The Ten Commandments of Love._
[2-1] In allusion to the proverb, "Every honest miller has a
golden thumb."
[2-2] Fieldes have eies and woodes have eares.--HEYWOOD:
_Proverbes, part ii. chap. v._
Wode has erys, felde has sigt.--_King Edward and the Shepard, MS.
Circa 1300._
Walls have ears.--HAZLITT: _English Proverbs, etc._ (_ed. 1869_)
_p. 446._
[3-1] Also in _Troilus and Cresseide, line 1587._
To make a virtue of necessity.--SHAKESPEARE: _Two Gentlemen of
Verona, act iv. sc. 2._ MATTHEW HENRY: _Comm. on Ps. xxxvii._
DRYDEN: _Palamon and Arcite._
In the additions of Hadrianus Julius to the _Adages_ of Erasmus,
he remarks, under the head of _Necessitatem edere_, that a very
familiar proverb was current among his countrymen,--"Necessitatem
in virtutem commutare" (To make necessity a virtue).
Laudem virtutis necessitati damus (We give to necessity the praise
of virtue).--QUINTILIAN: _Inst. Orat. i. 8. 14._
[3-2] Haste makes waste.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbs, part i. chap. ii._
Nothing can be done at once hastily and prudently.--PUBLIUS SYRUS:
_Maxim 357._
[3-3] Ease and speed in doing a thing do not give the work lasting
solidity or exactness of beauty.--PLUTARCH: _Life of Pericles._
[3-4] E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires.--GRAY: _Elegy,
Stanza 23._
[3-5] Frieth in her own grease.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbs, part i. chap.
[3-6] To see and to be seen.--BEN JONSON: _Epithalamion, st. iii.
line 4._ GOLDSMITH: _Citizen of the World, letter 71._
Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsæ (They come to see;
they come that they themselves may be seen).--OVID: _The Art of
Love, i. 99._
[4-1] Consider the little mouse, how sagacious an animal it is
which never entrusts his life to one hole only.--PLAUTUS:
_Truculentus, act iv. sc. 4._
The mouse that always trusts to one poor hole
Can never be a mouse of any soul.
POPE: _Paraphrase of the Prologue, line 298._
[4-2] Handsome is that handsome does.--GOLDSMITH: _Vicar of
Wakefield, chap. i._
[4-3] Hee must have a long spoon, shall eat with the
devill.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbes, part ii. chap. v._
He must have a long spoon that must eat with the
devil.--SHAKESPEARE: _Comedy of Errors, act iv. sc. 3._
[4-4] Thales was asked what was very difficult; he said, "To know
one's self."--DIOGENES LAERTIUS: _Thales, ix._
Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is man.
POPE: _Epistle ii. line 1._
Murder, though it have no tongue, will speak
With most miraculous organ.
SHAKESPEARE: _Hamlet, act ii. sc. 2._
[5-2] Tyrwhitt says this is taken from the _Parabolae_ of ALANUS
DE INSULIS, who died in 1294,--Non teneas aurum totum quod
splendet ut aurum (Do not hold everything as gold which shines
like gold).
All is not golde that outward shewith bright.--LYDGATE: _On the
Mutability of Human Affairs._
Gold all is not that doth golden seem.--SPENSER: _Faerie Queene,
book ii. canto viii. st. 14._
All that glisters is not gold.--SHAKESPEARE: _Merchant of Venice,
act ii. sc. 7._ GOOGE: _Eglogs, etc., 1563._ HERBERT: _Jacula
All is not gold that glisteneth.--MIDDLETON: _A Fair Quarrel,
verse 1._
All, as they say, that glitters is not gold.--DRYDEN: _The Hind
and the Panther._
Que tout n'est pas or c'on voit luire (Everything is not gold that
one sees shining).--_Li Diz de freire Denise Cordelier, circa
[5-3] Many small make a great.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbes. part i. chap.
[5-4] Of two evils the less is always to be chosen.--THOMAS À
KEMPIS: _Imitation of Christ, book ii. chap. xii._ HOOKER:
_Polity, book v. chap. lxxxi._
Of two evils I have chose the least.--PRIOR: _Imitation of
E duobus malis minimum eligendum (Of two evils, the least should
be chosen).--ERASMUS: _Adages._ CICERO: _De Officiis, iii. 1._
[6-1] Went in at the tone eare and out at the tother.--HEYWOOD:
_Proverbes, part ii. chap. ix._
[6-2] This wonder lasted nine daies.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbes, part
ii. chap. i._
[6-3] Ars longa, vita brevis (Art is long: life is
brief).--HIPPOCRATES: _Aphorism i._
[6-4] Three may keepe counsayle, if two be away.--HEYWOOD:
_Proverbes, part ii. chap. v._
THOMAS À KEMPIS. 1380-1471.
Man proposes, but God disposes.[7-1]
_Imitation of Christ. Book i. Chap. 19._
And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind.[7-2]
_Imitation of Christ. Book i. Chap. 23._
Of two evils, the less is always to be chosen.[7-3]
_Imitation of Christ. Book iii. Chap. 12._
[7-1] This expression is of much greater antiquity. It appears in
the _Chronicle of Battel Abbey, p. 27_ (Lower's translation), and
in _The Vision of Piers Ploughman, line 13994_. ed. _1550_.
A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his
steps.--_Proverbs xvi. 9._
[7-2] Out of syght, out of mynd.--GOOGE: _Eglogs. 1563._
And out of mind as soon as out of sight.
Lord BROOKE: _Sonnet lvi._
Fer from eze, fer from herte,
Quoth Hendyng.
HENDYNG: _Proverbs, MSS. Circa 1320._
I do perceive that the old proverbis be not alwaies trew, for I do
finde that the absence of my Nath. doth breede in me the more
continuall remembrance of him.--_Anne Lady Bacon to Jane Lady
Cornwallis, 1613._
On page 19 of _The Private Correspondence of Lady Cornwallis_, Sir
Nathaniel Bacon speaks of the _owlde proverbe_, "Out of sighte,
out of mynde."
[7-3] See Chaucer, page 5.
JOHN FORTESCUE. _Circa_ 1395-1485.
Moche Crye and no Wull.[7-4]
_De Laudibus Leg. Angliæ. Chap. x._
Comparisons are odious.[7-5]
_De Laudibus Leg. Angliæ. Chap. xix._
[7-4] All cry and no wool.--BUTLER: _Hudibras, part i. canto i.
line 852._
[7-5] CERVANTES: _Don Quixote_ (Lockhart's ed.), _part ii. chap.
i._ LYLY: _Euphues, 1580._ MARLOWE: _Lust's Dominion, act iii. sc.
4._ BURTON: _Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. 3._ THOMAS
HEYWOOD: _A Woman killed with Kindness_ (first ed. in 1607), _act
i. sc. 1._ DONNE: _Elegy, viii._ HERBERT: _Jacula Prudentum._
GRANGE: _Golden Aphrodite._
Comparisons are odorous.--SHAKESPEARE: _Much Ado about Nothing,
act iii. sc. 5._
JOHN SKELTON. _Circa_ 1460-1529.
There is nothynge that more dyspleaseth God,
Than from theyr children to spare the rod.[8-1]
_Magnyfycence. Line 1954._
He ruleth all the roste.[8-2]
_Why Come ye not to Courte. Line 198._
In the spight of his teeth.[8-3]
_Colyn Cloute. Line 939._
He knew what is what.[8-4]
_Colyn Cloute. Line 1106._
By hoke ne by croke.[8-5]
_Colyn Cloute. Line 1240._
The wolfe from the dore.
_Colyn Cloute. Line 1531._
Old proverbe says,
That byrd ys not honest
That fyleth hys owne nest.[8-6]
_Poems against Garnesche._
[8-1] He that spareth the rod hateth his son.--_Proverbs xiii.
They spare the rod and spoyl the child.--RALPH VENNING: _Mysteries
and Revelations_ (second ed.), _p. 5. 1649._
Spare the rod and spoil the child.--BUTLER: _Hudibras, pt. ii. c.
i. l. 843._
[8-2] Rule the rost.--HEYWOOD: _Proverbes, part i. chap. v._
Her that ruled the rost.--THOMAS HEYWOOD: _History of Women._
Rules the roast.--JONSON, CHAPMAN, MARSTON: _Eastward Ho, act ii.
sc. 1._ SHAKESPEARE: _2 Henry VI. act i. sc. 1._
[8-3] In spite of my teeth.--MIDDLETON: _A Trick to catch the Old
One, act i. sc. 2._ FIELDING: _Eurydice Hissed._
[8-4] He knew what 's what.--BUTLER: _Hudibras, part i. canto i.
line 149._
[8-5] In hope her to attain by hook or crook.--SPENSER: _Faerie
Queene, book iii. canto i. st. 17._
[8-6] It is a foule byrd that fyleth his owne nest.--HEYWOOD:
_Proverbes, part ii. chap. v._
JOHN HEYWOOD.[8-7] _Circa_ 1565.
The loss of wealth is loss of dirt,
As sages in all times assert;
The happy man 's without a shirt.
_Be Merry Friends._
Let the world slide,[9-1] let the world go;
A fig for care, and a fig for woe!
If I can't pay, why I can owe,
And death makes equal the high and low.
_Be Merry Friends._
All a green willow, willow,
All a green willow is my garland.
_The Green Willow._
Haste maketh waste.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ii._
Beware of, Had I wist.[9-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ii._
Good to be merie and wise.[9-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ii._
Beaten with his owne rod.[9-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ii._
Look ere ye leape.[9-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ii._
He that will not when he may,
When he would he shall have nay.[9-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
The fat is in the fire.[9-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
When the sunne shineth, make hay.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
When the iron is hot, strike.[10-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
The tide tarrieth no man.[10-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
Than catch and hold while I may, fast binde, fast finde.[10-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
And while I at length debate and beate the bush,
There shall steppe in other men and catch the burdes.[10-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
While betweene two stooles my taile goe to the ground.[10-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
So many heads so many wits.[10-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
Wedding is destiny,
And hanging likewise.[10-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
Happy man, happy dole.[11-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii._
God never sends th' mouth but he sendeth meat.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
Like will to like.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
A hard beginning maketh a good ending.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
When the skie falth we shall have Larkes.[11-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
More frayd then hurt.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
Feare may force a man to cast beyond the moone.[11-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
Nothing is impossible to a willing hart.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iv._
The wise man sayth, store is no sore.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
Let the world wagge,[11-4] and take mine ease in myne Inne.[11-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
Rule the rost.[11-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
Hold their noses to grinstone.[11-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
Better to give then to take.[11-8]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
When all candles bee out, all cats be gray.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
No man ought to looke a given horse in the mouth.[11-9]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. v._
I perfectly feele even at my fingers end.[12-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. vi._
A sleveless errand.[12-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. vii._
We both be at our wittes end.[12-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. viii._
Reckeners without their host must recken twice.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. viii._
A day after the faire.[12-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. viii._
Cut my cote after my cloth.[12-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. viii._
The neer to the church, the further from God.[12-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
Now for good lucke, cast an old shooe after me.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
Better is to bow then breake.[12-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
It hurteth not the toung to give faire words.[12-8]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
Two heads are better then one.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
A short horse is soone currid.[12-9]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
To tell tales out of schoole.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
To hold with the hare and run with the hound.[12-10]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
She is nether fish nor flesh, nor good red herring.[13-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
All is well that endes well.[13-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Of a good beginning cometh a good end.[13-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Shee had seene far in a milstone.[13-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Better late than never.[13-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
When the steede is stolne, shut the stable durre.[13-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Pryde will have a fall;
For pryde goeth before and shame commeth after.[13-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
She looketh as butter would not melt in her mouth.[13-8]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
The still sowe eats up all the draffe.[13-9]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Ill weede growth fast.[13-10]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
It is a deere collop
That is cut out of th' owne flesh.[14-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Beggars should be no choosers.[14-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. x._
Every cocke is proud on his owne dunghill.[14-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
The rolling stone never gathereth mosse.[14-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
To robbe Peter and pay Poule.[14-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
A man may well bring a horse to the water,
But he cannot make him drinke without he will.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Men say, kinde will creepe where it may not goe.[14-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
The cat would eate fish, and would not wet her feete.[14-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
While the grasse groweth the horse starveth.[14-8]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Better one byrde in hand than ten in the wood.[15-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Rome was not built in one day.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Yee have many strings to your bowe.[15-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Many small make a great.[15-3]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Children learne to creepe ere they can learne to goe.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Better is halfe a lofe than no bread.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Nought venter nought have.[15-4]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Children and fooles cannot lye.[15-5]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Set all at sixe and seven.[15-6]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
All is fish that comth to net.[15-7]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Who is worse shod than the shoemaker's wife?[15-8]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
One good turne asketh another.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
By hooke or crooke.[15-9]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
She frieth in her owne grease.[16-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
Who waite for dead men shall goe long barefoote.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
I pray thee let me and my fellow have
A haire of the dog that bit us last night.[16-2]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
But in deede,
A friend is never knowne till a man have neede.
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. xi._
This wonder (as wonders last) lasted nine daies.[16-3]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. i._
New brome swepth cleene.[16-4]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. i._
All thing is the woorse for the wearing.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. i._
Burnt child fire dredth.[16-5]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ii._
All is not Gospell that thou doest speake.[16-6]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ii._
Love me litle, love me long.[16-7]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ii._
A fooles bolt is soone shot.[16-8]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iii._
A woman hath nine lives like a cat.[16-9]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
A peny for your thought.[16-10]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
You stand in your owne light.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
Though chaunge be no robbry.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
Might have gone further and have fared worse.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
The grey mare is the better horse.[17-1]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. iv._
Three may keepe counsayle, if two be away.[17-2]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Small pitchers have wyde eares.[17-3]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Many hands make light warke.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
The greatest Clerkes be not the wisest men.[17-4]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Out of Gods blessing into the warme Sunne.[17-5]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
There is no fire without some smoke.[17-6]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
One swallow maketh not summer.[17-7]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Fieldes have eies and woods have eares.[17-8]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
A cat may looke on a King.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
It is a foule byrd that fyleth his owne nest.[18-1]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Have yee him on the hip.[18-2]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Hee must have a long spoone, shall eat with the devill.[18-3]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
It had need to bee
A wylie mouse that should breed in the cats eare.[18-4]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Leape out of the frying pan into the fyre.[18-5]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Time trieth troth in every doubt.[18-6]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Mad as a march hare.[18-7]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
Much water goeth by the mill
That the miller knoweth not of.[18-8]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. v._
He must needes goe whom the devill doth drive.[18-9]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
Set the cart before the horse.[18-10]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
The moe the merrier.[19-1]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
To th' end of a shot and beginning of a fray.[19-2]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
It is better to be
An old man's derling than a yong man's werling.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
Be the day never so long,
Evermore at last they ring to evensong.[19-3]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
The moone is made of a greene cheese.[19-4]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
I know on which side my bread is buttred.
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii._
It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone.[19-5]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. viii._
Who is so deafe or so blinde as is hee
That wilfully will neither heare nor see?[19-6]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
The wrong sow by th' eare.[19-7]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
Went in at the tone eare and out at the tother.[19-8]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
Love me, love my dog.[19-9]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
An ill winde that bloweth no man to good.[20-1]
_Proverbes. Part i. Chap. ix._
For when I gave you an inch, you tooke an ell.[20-2]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
Would yee both eat your cake and have your cake?[20-3]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
Every man for himselfe and God for us all.[20-4]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
Though he love not to buy the pig in the poke.[20-5]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. ix._
This hitteth the naile on the hed.[20-6]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. xi._
Enough is as good as a feast.[20-7]
_Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. xi._
[8-7] The _Proverbes_ of John Heywood is the earliest collection
of English colloquial sayings. It was first printed in 1546. The
title of the edition of 1562 is, _John Heywoodes Woorkes. A
Dialogue conteyning the number of the effectuall proverbes in the
English tounge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of
Maryages_, etc. The selection here given is from the edition of
1874 (a reprint of 1598), edited by Julian Sharman.
[9-1] Let the world slide.--_Towneley Mysteries, p. 101_ (1420).
SHAKESPEARE: _Taming of the Shrew, induc. 1._ BEAUMONT AND
FLETCHER: _Wit without Money, act v. sc. 2._
[9-2] A common exclamation of regret occurring in Spenser,
Harrington, and the older writers. An earlier instance of the
phrase occurs in the _Towneley Mysteries_.
[9-3] 'T is good to be merry and wise.--JONSON, CHAPMAN, MARSTON:
_Eastward Ho, act i. sc. 1._ BURNS: _Here 's a health to them that
's awa'._
don fust
C'on kint souvent est-on batu.
(By his own stick the prudent one is often beaten.)
_Roman du Renart, circa 1300._
[9-5] Look ere thou leap.--In _Tottel's Miscellany, 1557_; and in
Tusser's _Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. Of Wiving and
Thriving. 1573._
Thou shouldst have looked before thou hadst leapt.--JONSON,
CHAPMAN, MARSTON: _Eastward Ho, act v. sc. 1._
Look before you ere you leap.--BUTLER: _Hudibras, pt. ii. c. ii.
l. 502._
He that will not when he may,
When he will he shall have nay.
BURTON: _Anatomy of Melancholy, pt. iii. sec. 2, mem. 5, subs. 5._
He that wold not when he might,
He shall not when he wolda.
_The Baffled Knight._ PERCY: _Reliques_.
[9-7] All the fatt 's in the fire.--MARSTON: _What You Will.
[10-1] You should hammer your iron when it is glowing
hot.--PUBLIUS SYRUS: _Maxim 262._
Strike whilst the iron is hot.--RABELAIS: _book ii. chap. xxxi._
WEBSTER: _Westward Hoe._ _Tom A'Lincolne._ FARQUHAR: _The Beaux'
Stratagem, iv. 1._
Hoist up saile while gale doth last,
Tide and wind stay no man's pleasure.
ROBERT SOUTHWELL: _St. Peter's Complaint. 1595._
Nae man can tether time or tide.--BURNS: _Tam O' Shanter._
Fast bind, fast find;
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.
SHAKESPEARE: _Merchant of Venice, act ii. sc. 5._
Also in _Jests of Scogin. 1565._
[10-4] It is this proverb which Henry V. is reported to have
uttered at the siege of Orleans. "Shall I beat the bush and
another take the bird?" said King Henry.
[10-5] Entre deux arcouns chet cul à terre (Between two stools one
sits on the ground).--_Les Proverbes del Vilain, MS. Bodleian.
Circa 1303._
S'asseoir entre deux selles le cul à terre (One falls to the
ground in trying to sit on two stools).--RABELAIS: _book i. chap.
[10-6] As many men, so many minds.--TERENCE: _Phormio, ii. 3._
As the saying is, So many heades, so many wittes.--QUEEN
ELIZABETH: _Godly Meditacyon of the Christian Sowle. 1548._
So many men so many mindes.--GASCOIGNE: _Glass of Government._
[10-7] Hanging and wiving go by destiny.--_The Schole-hous for
Women. 1541._ SHAKESPEARE: _Merchant of Venice, act 2. sc. 9._
Marriage and hanging go by destiny; matches are made in
heaven.--BURTON: _Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. 2, mem. 5,
subs. 5._
[11-1] Happy man be his dole--SHAKESPEARE: _Merry Wives, act iii.
sc. 4_; _Winter's Tale, act i. sc. 2_. BUTLER: _Hudibras, part i.
canto iii. line 168._
[11-2] Si les nues tomboyent esperoyt prendre les alouettes (If
the skies fall, one may hope to catch larks).--RABELAIS: _book i.
chap. xi._
[11-3] To cast beyond the moon, is a phrase in frequent use by the
old writers. LYLY: _Euphues, p. 78._ THOMAS HEYWOOD: _A Woman
Killed with Kindness._
[11-4] Let the world slide.--SHAKESPEARE: _Taming of the Shrew,
ind. 1_; and, Let the world slip, _ind. 2_.
[11-5] Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn?--SHAKESPEARE: _1
Henry IV. act iii. sc. 2._
[11-6] See Skelton, page 8. SHAKESPEARE: _2 Henry VI. act i. sc.
1._ THOMAS HEYWOOD: _History of Women._
[11-7] Hold their noses to the grindstone.--MIDDLETON: _Blurt,
Master-Constable, act iii. sc. 3._
[11-8] It is more blessed to give than to receive.--_John xx. 35._
[11-9] This proverb occurs in Rabelais, book i. chap. xi.; in
_Vulgaria Stambrigi, circa 1510_; in Butler, part i. canto i. line
490. Archbishop Trench says this proverb is certainly as old as
Jerome of the fourth century, who, when some found fault with
certain writings of his, replied that they were free-will
offerings, and that it did not behove to look a gift horse in the
[12-1] RABELAIS: _book iv. chap. liv._ At my fingers'
ends.--SHAKESPEARE: _Twelfth Night, act i. sc. 3._
[12-2] The origin of the word "sleveless," in the sense of
unprofitable, has defied the most careful research. It is
frequently found allied to other substantives. Bishop Hall speaks
of the "sleveless tale of transubstantiation," and Milton writes
of a "sleveless reason." Chaucer uses it in the _Testament of
[12-3] At their wit's end.--_Psalm cvii. 27._
[12-4] THOMAS HEYWOOD: _If you know not me, etc., 1605._ TARLTON:
_Jests, 1611._
[12-5] A relic of the Sumptuary Laws. One of the earliest
instances occurs, 1530, in the interlude of _Godly Queene Hester_.
[12-6] Qui est près de l'église est souvent loin de Dieu (He who
is near the Church is often far from God).--_Les Proverbes
Communs. Circa 1500._
Rather to bowe than breke is profitable;
Humylite is a thing commendable.
_The Morale Proverbs of Cristyne_; translated from the French
(1390) by Earl Rivers, and printed by Caxton in 1478.
[12-8] Fair words never hurt the tongue.--JONSON, CHAPMAN,
MARSTON: _Eastward Ho, act iv. sc. 1._
[12-9] FLETCHER: _Valentinian, act ii. sc. 1._
[12-10] HUMPHREY ROBERT: _Complaint for Reformation, 1572._ LYLY:
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _p. 107_.
[13-1] Neither fish nor flesh, nor good red herring.--SIR H.
SHERES: _Satyr on the Sea Officers._ TOM BROWN: _Æneus Sylvius's
Letter._ DRYDEN: _Epilogue to the Duke of Guise._
[13-2] Si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit (If the end be well,
all will be well).--_Gestæ Romanorum. Tale lxvii._
Who that well his warke beginneth,
The rather a good ende he winneth.
GOWER: _Confessio Amantis._
[13-4] LYLY: _Euphues_ (Arber's reprint), _p. 288_.
[13-5] TUSSER: _Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, An
Habitation Enforced._ BUNYAN: _Pilgrim's Progress._ MATHEW HENRY:
_Commentaries, Matthew xxi._ MURPHY: _The School for Guardians._
Potius sero quam nunquam (Rather late than never).--LIVY: _iv. ii.
[13-6] Quant le cheval est emblé dounke ferme fols l'estable (When
the horse has been stolen, the fool shuts the stable).--_Les
Proverbes del Vilain._
[13-7] Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before
a fall.--_Proverbs xvi. 18._
Pryde goeth before, and shame cometh behynde.--_Treatise of a
Gallant. Circa 1510._
[13-8] She looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth.--SWIFT:
_Polite Conversation._
[13-9] 'T is old, but true, still swine eat all the
draff.--SHAKESPEARE: _Merry Wives of Windsor, act iv. sc. 2._
[13-10] Ewyl weed ys sone y-growe.--_MS. Harleian, circa 1490._
An ill weed grows apace.--CHAPMAN: _An Humorous Day's Mirth._
Great weeds do grow apace.--SHAKESPEARE: _Richard III. act ii. sc.
4._ BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER: _The Coxcomb, act iv. sc. 4._
[14-1] God knows thou art a collop of my flesh.--SHAKESPEARE: _1
Henry VI. act v. sc. 4._
[14-2] Beggars must be no choosers.--BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER: _The
Scornful Lady, act v. sc. 3._
[14-3] Þet coc is kene on his owne mixenne.--_Þe Ancren Riwle.
Circa 1250._
[14-4] The stone that is rolling can gather no moss.--TUSSER:
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry._
A rolling stone gathers no moss.--PUBLIUS SYRUS: _Maxim 524._
GOSSON: _Ephemerides of Phialo._ MARSTON: _The Fawn._
Pierre volage ne queult mousse (A rolling stone gathers no
moss).--_De l'hermite qui se désespéra pour le larron que ala en
paradis avant que lui_, 13th century.
[14-5] To rob Peter and pay Paul is said to have derived its
origin when, in the reign of Edward VI., the lands of St. Peter at
Westminster were appropriated to raise money for the repair of St.
Paul's in London.
You know that love
Will creep in service when it cannot go.
SHAKESPEARE: _Two Gentlemen of Verona, act iv. sc. 2._
[14-7] Shakespeare alludes to this proverb in _Macbeth_:--
Letting I dare not wait upon I would,
Like the poor cat i' the adage.
Cat lufat visch, ac he nele his feth wete.--_MS. Trinity College,
Cambridge, circa 1250._
[14-8] Whylst grass doth grow, oft sterves the seely
steede.--WHETSTONE: _Promos and Cassandra. 1578._
While the grass grows--
The proverb is something musty.
SHAKESPEARE: _Hamlet, act iii. sc. 4._
[15-1] An earlier instance occurs in Heywood, in his "Dialogue on
Wit and Folly," _circa_ 1530.
[15-2] Two strings to his bow.--HOOKER: _Polity, book v. chap.
lxxx._ CHAPMAN: _D'Ambois, act ii. sc. 3._ BUTLER: _Hudibras, part
iii. canto i. line 1._ CHURCHILL: _The Ghost, book iv._ FIELDING:
_Love in Several Masques, sc. 13._
[15-3] See Chaucer, page 5.
[15-4] Naught venture naught have.--TUSSER: _Five Hundred Points
of Good Husbandry. October Abstract._
[15-5] 'T is an old saw, Children and fooles speake true.--LYLY:
[15-6] Set all on sex and seven.--CHAUCER: _Troilus and Cresseide,
book iv. line 623_; also _Towneley Mysteries_.
At six and seven.--SHAKESPEARE: _Richard II. act ii. sc. 2._
[15-7] All 's fish they get that cometh to net.--TUSSER: _Five
Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. February Abstract._
Where all is fish that cometh to net.--GASCOIGNE: _Steele Glas.
[15-8] Him that makes shoes go barefoot himself.--BURTON: _Anatomy
of Melancholy. Democritus to the Reader._
[15-9] This phrase derives its origin from the custom of certain
manors where tenants are authorized to take fire-bote _by hook or
by crook_; that is, so much of the underwood as many be cut with a
crook, and so much of the loose timber as may be collected from
the boughs by means of a hook. One of the earliest citations of
this proverb occurs in John Wycliffe's _Controversial Tracts,
circa 1370_.--See Skelton, page 8. RABELAIS: _book v. chap. xiii._
DU BARTAS: _The Map of Man._ SPENSER: _Faerie Queene, book iii.
canto i. st. 17._ BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER: _Women Pleased, act. i.
sc. 3._
[16-1] See Chaucer, page 3.
[16-2] In old receipt books we find it invariably advised that an
inebriate should drink sparingly in the morning some of the same
liquor which he had drunk to excess over-night.
[16-3] See Chaucer, page 6.
[16-4] Ah, well I wot that a new broome sweepeth cleane--LYLY:
_Euphues_ (Arber's reprint), _p. 89._
Brend child fur dredth,
Quoth Hendyng.
_Proverbs of Hendyng. MSS._
A burnt child dreadeth the fire.--LYLY: _Euphues_ (Arber's
reprint), _p. 319._
[16-6] You do not speak gospel.--RABELAIS: _book i. chap. xiii._
[16-7] MARLOWE: _Jew of Malta, act iv. sc. 6._ BACON:
[16-8] Sottes bolt is sone shote.--_Proverbs of Hendyng. MSS._
[16-9] It has been the Providence of Nature to give this creature
nine lives instead of one.--PILPAY: _The Greedy and Ambitious Cat,
fable iii._ B. C.
[16-10] LYLY: _Euphues_ (Arber's reprint), _p. 80._
[17-1] _Pryde and Abuse of Women. 1550. The Marriage of True Wit
and Science._ BUTLER: _Hudibras, part ii. canto i. line 698._
FIELDING: _The Grub Street Opera, act ii. sc. 4._ PRIOR: _Epilogue
to Lucius._
Lord Macaulay (_History of England, vol. i. chap. iii._) thinks
that this proverb originated in the preference generally given to
the gray mares of Flanders over the finest coach-horses of
England. Macaulay, however, is writing of the latter half of the
seventeenth century, while the proverb was used a century earlier.
[17-2] See Chaucer, page 6.
Two may keep counsel when the third 's away.--SHAKESPEARE: _Titus
Andronicus, act iv. sc. 2._
[17-3] Pitchers have ears.--SHAKESPEARE: _Richard III. act ii. sc.
[17-4] See Chaucer, page 3.
[17-5] Thou shalt come out of a warme sunne into Gods
blessing.--LYLY: _Euphues._
Thou out of Heaven's benediction comest
To the warm sun.
SHAKESPEARE: _Lear, act ii. sc. 2._
[17-6] Ther can no great smoke arise, but there must be some
fire.--LYLY: _Euphues_ (Arber's reprint), _p. 153._
[17-7] One swallowe prouveth not that summer is
neare.--NORTHBROOKE: _Treatise against Dancing. 1577._
[17-8] See Chaucer, page 2.
[18-1] See Skelton, page 8.
[18-2] I have thee on the hip.--SHAKESPEARE: _Merchant of Venice,
act iv. sc. 1; Othello, act ii. sc. 7._
[18-3] See Chaucer, page 4.
A hardy mouse that is bold to breede
In cattis eeris.
_Order of Foles. MS. circa 1450._
[18-5] The same in _Don Quixote_ (Lockhart's ed.), _part i. book
iii. chap. iv._ BUNYAN: _Pilgrim's Progress._ FLETCHER: _The
Wild-Goose Chase, act iv. sc. 3._
[18-6] Time trieth truth.--_Tottel's Miscellany, reprint 1867, p.
Time tries the troth in everything.--TUSSER: _Five Hundred Points
of Good Husbandry. Author's Epistle, chap. i._
[18-7] I saye, thou madde March hare.--SKELTON: _Replycation
against certayne yong scolers._
More water glideth by the mill
Than wots the miller of.
SHAKESPEARE: _Titus Andronicus, act ii. sc. 7._
[18-9] An earlier instance of this proverb occurs in Heywood's
_Johan the Husbande. 1533._
He must needs go whom the devil drives.--SHAKESPEARE: _All's Well
that Ends Well, act i. sc. 3._ CERVANTES: _Don Quixote, part i.
book iv. chap. iv._ GOSSON: _Ephemerides of Phialo._ PEELE:
_Edward I._
[18-10] Others set carts before the horses.--RABELAIS: _book v.
chap. xxii._
[19-1] GASCOIGNE: _Roses, 1575._ _Title of a Book of Epigrams,
1608._ BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER: _The Scornful Lady, act i. sc. 1_;
_The Sea Voyage, act i. sc. 2_.
[19-2] To the latter end of a fray and the beginning of a
feast.--SHAKESPEARE: _2 Henry IV. act iv. sc. 2._
Be the day short or never so long,
At length it ringeth to even song.
Quoted at the Stake by George Tankerfield (1555).
FOX: _Book of Martyrs, chap. vii. p. 346._
[19-4] _Jack Jugler, p. 46._ RABELAIS: _book i. chap. xi._
BLACKLOCH: _Hatchet of Heresies, 1565._ BUTLER: _Hudibras, part
ii. canto iii. line 263._
[19-5] What is bred in the bone will never come out of the
flesh.--PILPAY: _The Two Fishermen, fable xiv._
It will never out of the flesh that 's bred in the bone.--JONSON:
_Every Man in his Humour, act i. sc. 1._
[19-6] None so deaf as those that will not hear.--MATHEW HENRY:
_Commentaries. Psalm lviii._
[19-7] He has the wrong sow by the ear.--JONSON: _Every Man in his
Humour, act ii. sc. 1._
[19-8] See Chaucer, page 6.
[19-9] CHAPMAN: _Widow's Tears, 1612._
A proverb in the time of Saint Bernard was, Qui me amat, amet et
canem meum (Who loves me will love my dog also).--_Sermo Primus._
THOMAS TUSSER. _Circa_ 1515-1580.
God sendeth and giveth both mouth and the meat.[20-8]
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry._
Except wind stands as never it stood,
It is an ill wind turns none to good.
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. A Description of the Properties
of Wind._
At Christmas play and make good cheer,
For Christmas comes but once a year.
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. The Farmer's Daily Diet._
Such, mistress, such Nan,
Such master, such man.[21-1]
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. April's Abstract._
Who goeth a borrowing
Goeth a sorrowing.
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. June's Abstract._
'T is merry in hall
Where beards wag all.[21-2]
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. August's Abstract._
Naught venture naught have.[21-3]
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. October's Abstract._
Dry sun, dry wind;
Safe bind, safe find.[21-4]
_Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. Washing._
_Falstaff._ What wind blew you hither, Pistol?
_Pistol._ Not the ill wind which blows no man to good.
SHAKESPEARE: _2 Henry IV. act v. sc. 3._
[20-2] Give an inch, he 'll take an ell.--WEBSTER: _Sir Thomas
[20-3] Wouldst thou both eat thy cake and have it?--HERBERT: _The
[20-4] Every man for himself, his own ends, the devil for
all.--BURTON: _Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. i. mem. iii._
[20-5] For buying or selling of pig in a poke.--TUSSER: _Five
Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. September Abstract._
[20-6] You have there hit the nail on the head.--RABELAIS: _bk.
iii. ch. xxxi._
[20-7] _Dives and Pauper, 1493._ GASCOIGNE: _Poesies, 1575._ POPE:
_Horace, book i. Ep. vii. line 24._ FIELDING: _Covent Garden
Tragedy, act v. sc. 1._ BICKERSTAFF: _Love in a Village, act iii.
sc. 1._
[20-8] God sends meat, and the Devil sends cooks.--JOHN TAYLOR:
_Works, vol. ii. p. 85_ (1630). RAY: _Proverbs._ GARRICK:
_Epigram on Goldsmith's Retaliation._
[21-1] On the authority of M. Cimber, of the Bibliothèque Royale,
we owe this proverb to Chevalier Bayard: "Tel maître, tel valet."
Merry swithe it is in halle,
When the beards waveth alle.
_Life of Alexander, 1312._
This has been wrongly attributed to Adam Davie. There the line
Swithe mury hit is in halle,
When burdes waiven alle.
[21-3] See Heywood, page 15.
[21-4] See Heywood, page 10. SHAKESPEARE: _Merchant of Venice, act
ii. sc. 5._
RICHARD EDWARDS. _Circa_ 1523-1566.
The fallyng out of faithfull frends is the renuyng of loue.[21-5]
_The Paradise of Dainty Devices._
[21-5] The anger of lovers renews the strength of love.--PUBLIUS
SYRUS: _Maxim 24._
Let the falling out of friends be a renewing of affection.--LYLY:
The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.--BURTON:
_Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. 2._
Amantium iræ amoris integratiost (The quarrels of lovers are the
renewal of love).--TERENCE: _Andria, act iii. sc. 5._
EDWARD DYER. _Circa_ 1540-1607.
My mind to me a kingdom is;
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss
That earth affords or grows by kind:
Though much I want which most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
_MS. Rawl. 85, p. 17._[22-1]
Some have too much, yet still do crave;
I little have, and seek no more:
They are but poor, though much they have,
And I am rich with little store:
They poor, I rich; they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live.
_MS. Rawl. 85, p. 17._
[22-1] There is a very similar but anonymous copy in the British
Museum. Additional MS. 15225, p. 85. And there is an imitation in
J. Sylvester's Works, p. 651.--HANNAH: _Courtly Poets._
My mind to me a kingdom is;
Such perfect joy therein I find,
As far exceeds all earthly bliss
That God and Nature hath assigned.
Though much I want that most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
BYRD: _Psalmes, Sonnets, etc. 1588._
My mind to me an empire is,
While grace affordeth health.
ROBERT SOUTHWELL (1560-1595): _Loo Home._
Mens regnum bona possidet (A good mind possesses a
kingdom).--SENECA: _Thyestes, ii. 380._
BISHOP STILL (JOHN). 1543-1607.
I cannot eat but little meat,
My stomach is not good;
But sure I think that I can drink
With him that wears a hood.
_Gammer Gurton's Needle._[22-2] _Act ii._
Back and side go bare, go bare,
Both foot and hand go cold;
But, belly, God send thee good ale enough,
Whether it be new or old.
_Gammer Gurton's Needle. Act ii._
[22-2] Stated by Dyce to be from a MS. of older date than _Gammer
Gurton's Needle_. See Skelton's Works (Dyce's ed.), vol. i. pp.
vii-x, _note_.
The Lord descended from above
And bow'd the heavens high;
And underneath his feet he cast
The darkness of the sky.
On cherubs and on cherubims
Full royally he rode;
And on the wings of all the winds
Came flying all abroad.
_A Metrical Version of Psalm civ._
MATHEW ROYDON. _Circa_ 1586.
A sweet attractive kinde of grace,
A full assurance given by lookes,
Continuall comfort in a face
The lineaments of Gospell bookes.
_An Elegie; or Friend's Passion for his Astrophill._[23-1]
Was never eie did see that face,
Was never eare did heare that tong,
Was never minde did minde his grace,
That ever thought the travell long;
But eies and eares and ev'ry thought
Were with his sweete perfections caught.
_An Elegie; or Friend's Passion for his Astrophill._
[23-1] This piece (ascribed to Spenser) was printed in _The
Phoenix' Nest, 4to, 1593_, where it is anonymous. Todd has shown
that it was written by Mathew Roydon.
SIR EDWARD COKE. 1549-1634.
The gladsome light of jurisprudence.
_First Institute._
Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is
nothing else but reason. . . . The law, which is perfection of
_First Institute._
For a man's house is his castle, _et domus sua cuique tutissimum
_Third Institute. Page 162._
The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as
well for his defence against injury and violence as for his
_Semayne's Case, 5 Rep. 91._
They (corporations) cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed nor
excommunicate, for they have no souls.
_Case of Sutton's Hospital, 10 Rep. 32._
Magna Charta is such a fellow that he will have no sovereign.
_Debate in the Commons, May 17, 1628._
Six hours in sleep, in law's grave study six,
Four spend in prayer, the rest on Nature fix.[24-3]
Translation of lines quoted by Coke.
[24-1] Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law
that is not reason.--SIR JOHN POWELL: _Coggs_ vs. _Bernard, 2 Ld.
Raym. Rep. p. 911._
[24-2] _Pandects, lib. ii. tit. iv. De in Jus vocando._
Seven hours to law, to soothing slumber seven;
Ten to the world allot, and all to heaven.
GEORGE PEELE. 1552-1598.
His golden locks time hath to silver turned;
O time too swift! Oh swiftness never ceasing!
His youth 'gainst time and age hath ever spurned,
But spurned in vain; youth waneth by encreasing.
_Sonnet. Polyhymnia._
His helmet now shall make a hive for bees,
And lovers' songs be turned to holy psalms;
A man-at-arms must now serve on his knees,
And feed on prayers, which are old age's alms.
_Sonnet. Polyhymnia._
My merry, merry, merry roundelay
Concludes with Cupid's curse:
They that do change old love for new,
Pray gods, they change for worse!
_Cupid's Curse._
If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee, and be thy love.
_The Nymph's Reply to the Passionate Shepherd._
Fain would I, but I dare not; I dare, and yet I may not;
I may, although I care not, for pleasure when I play not.
_Fain Would I._
Passions are likened best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb.[25-1]
_The Silent Lover._
Silence in love bewrays more woe
Than words, though ne'er so witty:
A beggar that is dumb, you know,
May challenge double pity.
_The Silent Lover._
Go, Soul, the body's guest,
Upon a thankless arrant:
Fear not to touch the best,
The truth shall be thy warrant:
Go, since I needs must die,
And give the world the lie.
_The Lie._
Methought I saw the grave where Laura lay.[26-1]
_Verses to Edmund Spenser._
Cowards [may] fear to die; but courage stout,
Rather than live in snuff, will be put out.
_On the snuff of a candle the night before he died._--Raleigh's _Remains,
p. 258, ed. 1661._
Even such is time, that takes in trust
Our youth, our joys, our all we have,
And pays us but with age and dust;
Who in the dark and silent grave,
When we have wandered all our ways,
Shuts up the story of our days.
But from this earth, this grave, this dust,
My God shall raise me up, I trust!
_Written the night before his death.--Found in his Bible in the
Gate-house at Westminster._
Shall I, like an hermit, dwell
On a rock or in a cell?
If she undervalue me,
What care I how fair she be?[26-2]
If she seem not chaste to me,
What care I how chaste she be?
Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall.[26-3]
[History] hath triumphed over time, which besides it nothing but
eternity hath triumphed over.
_Historie of the World. Preface._
O eloquent, just, and mightie Death! whom none could advise, thou
hast perswaded; what none hath dared, thou hast done; and whom
all the world hath flattered, thou only hast cast out of the
world and despised. Thou hast drawne together all the farre
stretchèd greatnesse, all the pride, crueltie, and ambition of
man, and covered it all over with these two narrow words, _Hic
_Historie of the World. Book v. Part 1._
[25-1] Altissima quæque flumina minimo sono labi (The deepest
rivers flow with the least sound).--Q. CURTIUS, vii. 4. 13.
Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep.--SHAKESPEARE: _2
Henry VI. act iii. sc. i._
[26-1] Methought I saw my late espoused saint.--MILTON: _Sonnet_
Methought I saw the footsteps of a throne.--WORDSWORTH: _Sonnet._
If she be not so to me,
What care I how fair she be?
GEORGE WITHER: _The Shepherd's Resolution._
[26-3] Written in a glass window obvious to the Queen's eye. "Her
Majesty, either espying or being shown it, did under-write, 'If
thy heart fails thee, climb not at all.'"--FULLER: _Worthies of
England, vol. i. p. 419._
EDMUND SPENSER. 1553-1599.
Fierce warres and faithful loves shall moralize my song.[27-1]
_Faerie Queene. Introduction. St. 1._
A gentle knight was pricking on the plaine.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto i. St. 1._
O happy earth,
Whereon thy innocent feet doe ever tread!
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto i. St. 9._
The noblest mind the best contentment has.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto i. St. 35._
A bold bad man.[27-2]
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto i. St. 37._
Her angels face,
As the great eye of heaven, shyned bright,
And made a sunshine in the shady place.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto iii. St. 4._
Ay me, how many perils doe enfold
The righteous man, to make him daily fall![27-3]
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto viii. St. 1._
As when in Cymbrian plaine
An heard of bulles, whom kindly rage doth sting,
Doe for the milky mothers want complaine,[27-4]
And fill the fieldes with troublous bellowing.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto viii. St. 11._
Entire affection hateth nicer hands.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto viii. St. 40._
That darksome cave they enter, where they find
That cursed man, low sitting on the ground,
Musing full sadly in his sullein mind.
_Faerie Queene. Book i. Canto ix. St. 35._
No daintie flowre or herbe that growes on grownd,
No arborett with painted blossoms drest
And smelling sweete, but there it might be fownd
To bud out faire, and throwe her sweete smels al arownd.
_Faerie Queene. Book ii. Canto vi. St. 12._
And is there care in Heaven? And is there love
In heavenly spirits to these Creatures bace?
_Faerie Queene. Book ii. Canto viii. St. 1._
How oft do they their silver bowers leave
To come to succour us that succour want!
_Faerie Queene. Book ii. Canto viii. St. 2._
Eftsoones they heard a most melodious sound.
_Faerie Queene. Book ii. Canto xii. St. 70._
Through thick and thin, both over bank and bush,[28-1]
In hope her to attain by hook or crook.[28-2]
_Faerie Queene. Book iii. Canto i. St. 17._
Her berth was of the wombe of morning dew,[28-3]
And her conception of the joyous Prime.
_Faerie Queene. Book iii. Canto vi. St. 3._
Roses red and violets blew,
And all the sweetest flowres that in the forrest grew.
_Faerie Queene. Book iii. Canto vi. St. 6._
Be bolde, Be bolde, and everywhere, Be bold.[28-4]
_Faerie Queene. Book iii. Canto xi. St. 54._
Dan Chaucer, well of English undefyled,
On Fame's eternall beadroll worthie to be fyled.
_Faerie Queene. Book iv. Canto ii. St. 32._
For all that Nature by her mother-wit[29-1]
Could frame in earth.
_Faerie Queene. Book iv. Canto x. St. 21._
Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small.
_Faerie Queene. Book v. Canto ii. St. 43._
Who will not mercie unto others show,
How can he mercy ever hope to have?[29-2]
_Faerie Queene. Book v. Canto ii. St. 42._
The gentle minde by gentle deeds is knowne;
For a man by nothing is so well bewrayed
As by his manners.
_Faerie Queene. Book vi. Canto iii. St. 1._
For we by conquest, of our soveraine might,
And by eternall doome of Fate's decree,
Have wonne the Empire of the Heavens bright.
_Faerie Queene. Book vii. Canto xi. St. 33._
For of the soule the bodie forme doth take;
For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.
_An Hymne in Honour of Beautie. Line 132._
For all that faire is, is by nature good;[29-3]
That is a signe to know the gentle blood.
_An Hymne in Honour of Beautie. Line 139._
To kerke the narre from God more farre,[29-4]
Has bene an old-sayd sawe;
And he that strives to touche a starre
Oft stombles at a strawe.
_The Shepheardes Calender. July. Line 97._
Full little knowest thou that hast not tride,
What hell it is in suing long to bide:
To loose good dayes, that might be better spent;
To wast long nights in pensive discontent;
To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow;
To feed on hope, to pine with feare and sorrow.
. . . . . . . . .
To fret thy soule with crosses and with cares;
To eate thy heart through comfortlesse dispaires;[30-1]
To fawne, to crowche, to waite, to ride, to ronne,
To spend, to give, to want, to be undonne.
Unhappie wight, borne to desastrous end,
That doth his life in so long tendance spend!
_Mother Hubberds Tale. Line 895._
What more felicitie can fall to creature
Than to enjoy delight with libertie,
And to be lord of all the workes of Nature,
To raine in th' aire from earth to highest skie,
To feed on flowres and weeds of glorious feature.
_Muiopotmos: or, The Fate of the Butterflie. Line 209._
I hate the day, because it lendeth light
To see all things, but not my love to see.
_Daphnaida, v. 407._
Tell her the joyous Time will not be staid,
Unlesse she doe him by the forelock take.[30-2]
_Amoretti, lxx._
I was promised on a time
To have reason for my rhyme;
From that time unto this season,
I received nor rhyme nor reason.[30-3]
_Lines on his Promised Pension._[30-4]
Behold, whiles she before the altar stands,
Hearing the holy priest that to her speakes,
And blesseth her with his two happy hands.
_Epithalamion. Line 223._
[27-1] And moralized his song.--POPE: _Epistle to Arbuthnot. Line
[27-2] This bold bad man.--SHAKESPEARE: _Henry VIII. act ii. sc.
2._ MASSINGER: _A New Way to Pay Old Debts, act iv. sc. 2._
Ay me! what perils do environ
The man that meddles with cold iron!
BUTLER: _Hudibras, part i. canto iii. line 1._
[27-4] "Milky Mothers,"--POPE: _The Dunciad, book ii. line 247._
SCOTT: _The Monastery, chap. xxviii._
[28-1] Through thick and thin.--DRAYTON: _Nymphidiæ._ MIDDLETON:
_The Roaring Girl, act iv. sc. 2._ KEMP: _Nine Days' Wonder._
BUTLER: _Hudibras, part i. canto ii. line 370._ DRYDEN: _Absalom
and Achitophel, part ii. line 414._ POPE: _Dunciad, book ii._
COWPER: _John Gilpin._
[28-2] See Skelton, page 8.
[28-3] The dew of thy birth is of the womb of the morning.--_Psalm
cx. 3, Book of Common Prayer._
[28-4] De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace
(Boldness, again boldness, and ever boldness).--DANTON: _Speech in
the Legislative Assembly, 1792._
[29-1] Mother wit.--MARLOWE: _Prologue to Tamberlaine the Great,
part i._ MIDDLETON: _Your Five Gallants, act i. sc. 1._
SHAKESPEARE: _Taming of the Shrew, act ii. sc. 1._
[29-2] Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain
mercy.--_Matthew v. 7._
[29-3] The hand that hath made you fair hath made you
good.--SHAKESPEARE: _Measure for Measure, act iii. sc. 1._
[29-4] See Heywood, page 12.
[30-1] Eat not thy heart; which forbids to afflict our souls, and
waste them with vexatious cares.--PLUTARCH: _Of the Training of
But suffered idleness
To eat his heart away.
BRYANT: _Homer's Iliad, book i. line 319._
[30-2] Take Time by the forelock.--THALES (of Miletus). 636-546 B.
[30-3] Rhyme nor reason.--_Pierre Patelin_, quoted by Tyndale in
1530. _Farce du Vendeur des Lieures_, sixteenth century. PEELE:
_Edward I._ SHAKESPEARE: _As You Like It, act iii. sc. 2; Merry
Wives of Windsor, act v. sc. 5; Comedy of Errors, act ii. sc. 2._
Sir Thomas More advised an author, who had sent him his manuscript
to read, "to put it in rhyme." Which being done, Sir Thomas said,
"Yea, marry, now it is somewhat, for now it is rhyme; before it
was neither rhyme nor reason."
[30-4] FULLER: _Worthies of England, vol. ii. p. 379._
RICHARD HOOKER. 1553-1600.
Of Law there can be no less acknowledged than that her seat is
the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world. All things
in heaven and earth do her homage,--the very least as feeling her
care, and the greatest as not exempted from her power.
_Ecclesiastical Polity. Book i._
That to live by one man's will became the cause of all men's
_Ecclesiastical Polity. Book i._
JOHN LYLY. _Circa_ 1553-1601.
Cupid and my Campaspe play'd
At cards for kisses: Cupid paid.
He stakes his quiver, bow, and arrows,
His mother's doves, and team of sparrows:
Loses them too. Then down he throws
The coral of his lip, the rose
Growing on 's cheek (but none knows how);
With these, the crystal of his brow,
And then the dimple on his chin:
All these did my Campaspe win.
At last he set her both his eyes:
She won, and Cupid blind did rise.
O Love! has she done this to thee?
What shall, alas! become of me?
_Cupid and Campaspe. Act iii. Sc. 5._
How at heaven's gates she claps her wings,
The morne not waking til she sings.[32-1]
_Cupid and Campaspe. Act v. Sc. 1._
Be valyaunt, but not too venturous. Let thy attyre bee comely,
but not costly.[32-2]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 39._
Though the Camomill, the more it is trodden and pressed downe the
more it spreadeth.[32-3]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 46._
The finest edge is made with the blunt whetstone.
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 47._
I cast before the Moone.[32-4]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 78._
It seems to me (said she) that you are in some brown study.[32-5]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 80._
The soft droppes of rain perce the hard marble;[32-6] many
strokes overthrow the tallest oaks.[32-7]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 81._
He reckoneth without his Hostesse.[32-8] Love knoweth no lawes.
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 84._
Did not Jupiter transforme himselfe into the shape of Amphitrio
to embrace Alcmæna; into the form of a swan to enjoy Leda; into a
Bull to beguile Io; into a showre of gold to win Danae?[32-9]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 93._
Lette me stande to the maine chance.[33-1]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 104._
I mean not to run with the Hare and holde with the Hounde.[33-2]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 107._
It is a world to see.[33-3]
_Euphues, 1579_ (Arber's reprint), _page 116._
There can no great smoke arise, but there must be some
_Euphues and his Euphoebus, page 153._
A clere conscience is a sure carde.[33-5]
_Euphues, page 207._
As lyke as one pease is to another.
_Euphues, page 215._
Goe to bed with the Lambe, and rise with the Larke.[33-6]
_Euphues and his England, page 229._
A comely olde man as busie as a bee.
_Euphues and his England, page 252._
Maydens, be they never so foolyshe, yet beeing fayre they are
commonly fortunate.
_Euphues and his England, page 279._
Where the streame runneth smoothest, the water is deepest.[33-7]
_Euphues and his England, page 287._
Your eyes are so sharpe that you cannot onely looke through a
Milstone, but cleane through the minde.
_Euphues and his England, page 289._
I am glad that my Adonis hath a sweete tooth in his head.
_Euphues and his England, page 308._
A Rose is sweeter in the budde than full blowne.[33-8]
_Euphues and his England, page 314._
Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings,
And Phoebus 'gins arise.
SHAKESPEARE: _Cymbeline, act ii. sc. 3._
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy.
SHAKESPEARE: _Hamlet, act i. sc. 3._
[32-3] The camomile, the more it is trodden on the faster it
grows.--SHAKESPEARE: _1 Henry IV. act ii. sc. 4._
[32-4] See Heywood, page 11.
[32-5] A brown study.--SWIFT: _Polite Conversation._
[32-6] Water continually dropping will wear hard rocks
hollow.--PLUTARCH: _Of the Training of Children._
Stillicidi casus lapidem cavat (Continual dropping wears away a
stone). LUCRETIUS: _i. 314._
Many strokes, though with a little axe,
Hew down and fell the hardest-timber'd oak.
SHAKESPEARE: _3 Henry VI. act ii. sc. 1._
[32-8] See Heywood, page 12.
[32-9] Jupiter himself was turned into a satyr, a shepherd, a
bull, a swan, a golden shower, and what not for love.--BURTON:
_Anatomy of Melancholy, part iii. sec. ii. mem. i. subs. 1._
[33-1] The main chance.--SHAKESPEARE: _1 Henry VI. act i. sc. 1._
BUTLER: _Hudibras, part ii. canto ii._ DRYDEN: _Persius, satire
[33-2] See Heywood, page 12.
[33-3] 'T is a world to see.--SHAKESPEARE: _Taming of the Shrew,
act ii. sc. 1._
[33-4] See Heywood, page 17.
[33-5] This is a sure card.--_Thersytes, circa 1550._
[33-6] To rise with the lark and go to bed with the lamb.--BRETON:
_Court and Country, 1618 (reprint, page 182)._
Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed.--HURDIS: _The
Village Curate._
[33-7] See Raleigh, page 25.
[33-8] The rose is fairest when 't is budding new.--SCOTT: _Lady
of the Lake, canto iii. st. 1._
Sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge.
_Defence of Poesy._
He cometh unto you with a tale which holdeth children from play,
and old men from the chimney-corner.
_Defence of Poesy._
I never heard the old song of Percy and Douglas that I found not
my heart moved more than with a trumpet.
_Defence of Poesy._
High-erected thoughts seated in the heart of courtesy.[34-1]
_Arcadia. Book i._
They are never alone that are accompanied with noble
_Arcadia. Book i._
Many-headed multitude.[34-3]
_Arcadia. Book ii._
My dear, my better half.
_Arcadia. Book iii._
Fool! said my muse to me, look in thy heart, and write.[34-4]
_Astrophel and Stella, i._
Have I caught my heav'nly jewel.[34-5]
_Astrophel and Stella, i. Second Song._
[34-1] Great thoughts come from the heart.--VAUVENARGUES: _Maxim
[34-2] He never is alone that is accompanied with noble
thoughts.--FLETCHER: _Love's Cure, act iii. sc. 3._
[34-3] Many-headed multitude.--SHAKESPEARE: _Coriolanus, act ii.
sc. 3._
This many-headed monster, Multitude.--DANIEL: _History of the
Civil War, book ii. st. 13._
[34-4] Look, then, into thine heart and write.--LONGFELLOW:
_Voices of the Night. Prelude._
[34-5] Quoted by Shakespeare in _Merry Wives of Windsor_.
CYRIL TOURNEUR. _Circa_ 1600.
A drunkard clasp his teeth and not undo 'em,
To suffer wet damnation to run through 'em.[34-6]
_The Revenger's Tragedy. Act iii. Sc. 1._
[34-6] Distilled damnation.--ROBERT HALL (in Gregory's "Life of
LORD BROOKE. 1554-1628.
O wearisome condition of humanity!
_Mustapha. Act v. Sc. 4._
And out of mind as soon as out of sight.[35-1]
_Sonnet lvi._
[35-1] See Thomas à Kempis, page 7.
GEORGE CHAPMAN. 1557-1634.
None ever loved but at first sight they loved.[35-2]
_The Blind Beggar of Alexandria._
An ill weed grows apace.[35-3]
_An Humorous Day's Mirth._
Black is a pearl in a woman's eye.[35-4]
_An Humorous Day's Mirth._
Exceeding fair she was not; and yet fair
In that she never studied to be fairer
Than Nature made her; beauty cost her nothing,
Her virtues were so rare.
_All Fools. Act i. Sc. 1._
I tell thee Love is Nature's second sun,
Causing a spring of virtues where he shines.
_All Fools. Act i. Sc. 1._
_Cornelia._ What flowers are these?
_Gazetta._ The pansy this.
_Cor._ Oh, that 's for lovers' thoughts.[35-5]
_All Fools. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Fortune, the great commandress of the world,
Hath divers ways to advance her followers:
To some she gives honour without deserving,
To other some, deserving without honour.[35-6]
_All Fools. Act v. Sc. 1._
Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are
_All Fools. Act v. Sc. 1._
Virtue is not malicious; wrong done her
Is righted even when men grant they err.
_Monsieur D'Olive. Act i. Sc. 1._
For one heat, all know, doth drive out another,
One passion doth expel another still.[36-2]
_Monsieur D'Olive. Act v. Sc. 1._
Let no man value at a little price
A virtuous woman's counsel; her wing'd spirit
Is feather'd oftentimes with heavenly words.
_The Gentleman Usher. Act iv. Sc. 1._
To put a girdle round about the world.[36-3]
_Bussy D'Ambois. Act i. Sc. 1._
His deeds inimitable, like the sea
That shuts still as it opes, and leaves no tracts
Nor prints of precedent for poor men's facts.
_Bussy D'Ambois. Act i. Sc. 1._
So our lives
In acts exemplary, not only win
Ourselves good names, but doth to others give
Matter for virtuous deeds, by which we live.[36-4]
_Bussy D'Ambois. Act i. Sc. 1._
Who to himself is law no law doth need,
Offends no law, and is a king indeed.
_Bussy D'Ambois. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Each natural agent works but to this end,--
To render that it works on like itself.
_Bussy D'Ambois. Act iii. Sc. 1._
'T is immortality to die aspiring,
As if a man were taken quick to heaven.
_Conspiracy of Charles, Duke of Byron. Act i. Sc. 1._
Give me a spirit that on this life's rough sea
Loves t' have his sails fill'd with a lusty wind,
Even till his sail-yards tremble, his masts crack,
And his rapt ship run on her side so low
That she drinks water, and her keel plows air.
_Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. Act iii. Sc. 1._
He is at no end of his actions blest
Whose ends will make him greatest, and not best.
_Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. Act v. Sc. 1._
Words writ in waters.[37-1]
_Revenge for Honour. Act v. Sc. 2._
They 're only truly great who are truly good.[37-2]
_Revenge for Honour. Act v. Sc. 2._
Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee.[37-3] Light gains
make heavy purses. 'T is good to be merry and wise.[37-4]
_Eastward Ho._[37-5] _Act i. Sc. 1._
Make ducks and drakes with shillings.
_Eastward Ho._[37-5] _Act i. Sc. 1._
Only a few industrious Scots perhaps, who indeed are dispersed
over the face of the whole earth. But as for them, there are no
greater friends to Englishmen and England, when they are out on
't, in the world, than they are. And for my own part, I would a
hundred thousand of them were there [Virginia]; for we are all
one countrymen now, ye know, and we should find ten times more
comfort of them there than we do here.[37-6]
_Eastward Ho. Act iii. Sc. 2._
Enough 's as good as a feast.[38-1]
_Eastward Ho. Act iii. Sc. 2._
Fair words never hurt the tongue.[38-2]
_Eastward Ho. Act iv. Sc. 1._
Let pride go afore, shame will follow after.[38-3]
_Eastward Ho. Act iv. Sc. 1._
I will neither yield to the song of the siren nor the voice of
the hyena, the tears of the crocodile nor the howling of the
_Eastward Ho. Act v. Sc. 1._
As night the life-inclining stars best shows,
So lives obscure the starriest souls disclose.
_Epilogue to Translations._
Promise is most given when the least is said.
_Musæus of Hero and Leander._
[35-2] Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?--MARLOWE:
_Hero and Leander._
I saw and loved.--GIBBON: _Memoirs, vol. i. p. 106._
[35-3] See Heywood, page 13.
[35-4] Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies'
eyes.--SHAKESPEARE: _Two Gentlemen of Verona, act v. sc. 2._
[35-5] There is pansies, that 's for thoughts.--SHAKESPEARE:
_Hamlet, act iv. sc. 5._
[35-6] Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have
greatness thrust upon 'em.--SHAKESPEARE: _Twelfth Night, act ii.
sc. 5._
[36-1] Quoted by Camden as a saying of one Dr. Metcalf. It is now
in many peoples' mouths, and likely to pass into a proverb.--RAY:
_Proverbs_ (Bohn ed.), _p. 145_.
One fire burns out another's burning,
One pain is lessened by another's anguish.
SHAKESPEARE: _Romeo and Juliet, act i. sc. 2._
[36-3] I 'll put a girdle round about the earth.--SHAKESPEARE:
_Midsummer Night's Dream, act ii. sc. 1._
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime.
LONGFELLOW: _A Psalm of Life._
[37-1] Here lies one whose name was writ in water.--_Keats's own
[37-2] To be noble we 'll be good.--_Winifreda_ (Percy's
'T is only noble to be good.--TENNYSON: _Lady Clara Vere de Vere,
stanza 7._
[37-3] The same in Franklin's _Poor Richard_.
[37-4] See Heywood, page 9.
[37-5] By Chapman, Jonson, and Marston.
[37-6] This is the famous passage that gave offence to James I.,
and caused the imprisonment of the authors. The leaves containing
it were cancelled and reprinted, and it only occurs in a few of
the original copies.--RICHARD HERNE SHEPHERD.
[38-1] _Dives and Pauper_ (1493). GASCOIGNE: _Memories_
(1575). FIELDING: _Covent Garden Tragedy, act ii. sc. 6._
BICKERSTAFF: _Love in a Village, act iii. sc. 1._ See Heywood,
page 20.
[38-2] See Heywood, page 12.
[38-3] See Heywood, page 13.
WILLIAM WARNER. 1558-1609.
With that she dasht her on the lippes,
So dyed double red:
Hard was the heart that gave the blow,
Soft were those lips that bled.
_Albion's England. Book viii. chap. xli. stanza 53._
We thinke no greater blisse then such
To be as be we would,
When blessed none but such as be
The same as be they should.
_Albion's England. Book x. chap. lix. stanza 68._
O Douglas, O Douglas!
Tendir and trewe.
_The Buke of the Howlat._[38-4] _Stanza xxxi._
[38-4] The allegorical poem of _The Howlat_ was composed about the
middle of the fifteenth century. Of the personal history of the
author no kind of information has been discovered. Printed by the
Bannatyne Club, 1823.
Treason doth never prosper: what 's the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.[39-1]
_Epigrams. Book iv. Ep. 5._
Prosperum ac felix scelus
Virtus vocatur
(Successful and fortunate crime is called virtue).
SENECA: _Herc. Furens, ii. 250._
SAMUEL DANIEL. 1562-1619.
As that the walls worn thin, permit the mind
To look out thorough, and his frailty find.[39-2]
_History of the Civil War. Book iv. Stanza 84._
Sacred religion! mother of form and fear.
_Musophilus. Stanza 57._
And for the few that only lend their ear,
That few is all the world.
_Musophilus. Stanza 97._
This is the thing that I was born to do.
_Musophilus. Stanza 100._
And who (in time) knows whither we may vent
The treasure of our tongue? To what strange shores
This gain of our best glory shall be sent
T' enrich unknowing nations with our stores?
What worlds in the yet unformed Occident
May come refin'd with th' accents that are ours?[39-3]
_Musophilus. Stanza 163._
Unless above himself he can
Erect himself, how poor a thing is man!
_To the Countess of Cumberland. Stanza 12._
Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night,
Brother to Death, in silent darkness born.
_To Delia. Sonnet 51._
The soul's dark cottage, batter'd and decay'd,
Lets in new light through chinks that Time has made.
WALLER: _Verses upon his Divine Poesy._
[39-3] Westward the course of empire takes its way.--BERKELEY: _On
the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America._
Had in him those brave translunary things
That the first poets had.
(Said of Marlowe.) _To Henry Reynolds, of Poets and Poesy._
For that fine madness still he did retain
Which rightly should possess a poet's brain.
(Said of Marlowe.) _To Henry Reynolds, of Poets and Poesy._
The coast was clear.[40-1]
When faith is kneeling by his bed of death,
And innocence is closing up his eyes,
Now if thou wouldst, when all have given him over,
From death to life thou might'st him yet recover.
_Ideas. An Allusion to the Eaglets. lxi._
[40-1] SOMERVILLE: _The Night-Walker._
Comparisons are odious.[40-2]
_Lust's Dominion. Act iii. Sc. 4._
I 'm armed with more than complete steel,--
The justice of my quarrel.[40-3]
_Lust's Dominion. Act iii. Sc. 4._
Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?[40-4]
_Hero and Leander._
Come live with me, and be my love;
And we will all the pleasures prove
That hills and valleys, dales and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.
_The Passionate Shepherd to his Love._
By shallow rivers, to whose falls[41-1]
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
_The Passionate Shepherd to his Love._
And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant posies.
_The Passionate Shepherd to his Love._
Infinite riches in a little room.
_The Jew of Malta. Act i._
Excess of wealth is cause of covetousness.
_The Jew of Malta. Act i._
Now will I show myself to have more of the serpent than the
dove;[41-2] that is, more knave than fool.
_The Jew of Malta. Act ii._
Love me little, love me long.[41-3]
_The Jew of Malta. Act iv._
When all the world dissolves,
And every creature shall be purified,
All places shall be hell that are not heaven.
Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships,
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss!
Her lips suck forth my soul:[41-4] see, where it flies!
O, thou art fairer than the evening air
Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars.
Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,
And burnèd is Apollo's laurel bough,[41-5]
That sometime grew within this learnèd man.
[40-2] See Fortescue, page 7.
Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just,
And he but naked, though locked up in steel,
Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.
SHAKESPEARE: _Henry VI. act iii. sc. 2._
[40-4] The same in Shakespeare's _As You Like It_. Compare
Chapman, page 35.
To shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sings madrigals;
There will we make our peds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies.
SHAKESPEARE: _Merry Wives of Windsor, act iii. sc. i._ (Sung by Evans).
[41-2] Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as
doves.--_Matthew x. 16._
[41-3] See Heywood, page 16.
Once he drew
With one long kiss my whole soul through
My lips.
TENNYSON: _Fatima, stanza 3._
O, withered is the garland of the war!
The soldier's pole is fallen.
SHAKESPEARE: _Antony and Cleopatra, act iv. sc. 13._
(_From the text of Clark and Wright._)
I would fain die a dry death.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 1._
Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 1._
What seest thou else
In the dark backward and abysm of time?
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
I, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated
To closeness and the bettering of my mind.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
Like one
Who having into truth, by telling of it,
Made such a sinner of his memory,
To credit his own lie.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
My library
Was dukedom large enough.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnish'd me
From mine own library with volumes that
I prize above my dukedom.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
From the still-vexed Bermoothes.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
I will be correspondent to command,
And do my spiriting gently.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
Fill all thy bones with aches.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands:
Courtsied when you have, and kiss'd
The wild waves whist.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
The fringed curtains of thine eye advance.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
There 's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple:
If the ill spirit have so fair a house,
Good things will strive to dwell with 't.
_The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 2._
_Gon._ Here is everything advantageous to life.
_Ant._ True; save means to live.
_The Tempest. Act ii. Sc. 1._
A very ancient and fish-like smell.
_The Tempest. Act ii. Sc. 2._
Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.
_The Tempest. Act ii. Sc. 2._
_Fer._ Here 's my hand.
_Mir._ And mine, with my heart in 't.
_The Tempest. Act iii. Sc. 1._
He that dies pays all debts.
_The Tempest. Act iii. Sc. 2._
A kind
Of excellent dumb discourse.
_The Tempest. Act iii. Sc. 3._
Deeper than e'er plummet sounded.
_The Tempest. Act iii. Sc. 3._
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
_The Tempest. Act iv. Sc. 1._
With foreheads villanous low.
_The Tempest. Act iv. Sc. 1._
Deeper than did ever plummet sound
I 'll drown my book.
_The Tempest. Act v. Sc. 1._
Where the bee sucks, there suck I;
In a cowslip's bell I lie.
_The Tempest. Act v. Sc. 1._
Merrily, merrily shall I live now,
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.
_The Tempest. Act v. Sc. 1._
Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act i. Sc. 1._
I have no other but a woman's reason:
I think him so, because I think him so.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act i. Sc. 2._
O, how this spring of love resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day!
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act i. Sc. 3._
And if it please you, so; if not, why, so.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act ii. Sc. 1._
O jest unseen, inscrutable, invisible,
As a nose on a man's face,[44-1] or a weathercock on a steeple.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act ii. Sc. 1._
She is mine own,
And I as rich in having such a jewel
As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl,
The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act ii. Sc. 4._
He makes sweet music with th' enamell'd stones,
Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge
He overtaketh in his pilgrimage.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act ii. Sc. 7._
That man that hath a tongue, I say, is no man,
If with his tongue he cannot win a woman.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act iii. Sc. 1._
Except I be by Sylvia in the night,
There is no music in the nightingale.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act iii. Sc. 1._
A man I am, cross'd with adversity.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act iv. Sc. 1._
Is she not passing fair?
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act iv. Sc. 4._
How use doth breed a habit in a man![44-2]
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act v. Sc. 4._
O heaven! were man
But constant, he were perfect.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act v. Sc. 4._
Come not within the measure of my wrath.
_The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act v. Sc. 4._
I will make a Star-chamber matter of it.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
All his successors gone before him have done 't; and all his
ancestors that come after him may.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
It is a familiar beast to man, and signifies love.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
Seven hundred pounds and possibilities is good gifts.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
Mine host of the Garter.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
I had rather than forty shillings I had my Book of Songs and
Sonnets here.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
If there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may
decrease it upon better acquaintance, when we are married and
have more occasion to know one another: I hope, upon familiarity
will grow more contempt.[45-1]
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 1._
O base Hungarian wight! wilt thou the spigot wield?
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 3._
"Convey," the wise it call. "Steal!" foh! a fico for the phrase!
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 3._
Sail like my pinnace to these golden shores.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 3._
Tester I 'll have in pouch, when thou shalt lack,
Base Phrygian Turk!
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 3._
Thou art the Mars of malcontents.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 3._
Here will be an old abusing of God's patience and the king's
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act i. Sc. 4._
We burn daylight.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 1._
There 's the humour of it.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Faith, thou hast some crotchets in thy head now.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Why, then the world 's mine oyster,
Which I with sword will open.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 2._
This is the short and the long of it.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 2._
Unless experience be a jewel.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 2._
Like a fair house, built on another man's ground.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 2._
We have some salt of our youth in us.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Sc. 3._
I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.[46-1]
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 2._
What a taking was he in when your husband asked who was in the
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 3._
O, what a world of vile ill-favour'd faults
Looks handsome in three hundred pounds a year!
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 4._
Happy man be his dole!
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 4._
I have a kind of alacrity in sinking.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 5._
As good luck would have it.[46-2]
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 5._
The rankest compound of villanous smell that ever offended
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 5._
A man of my kidney.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 5._
Think of that, Master Brook.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iii. Sc. 5._
Your hearts are mighty, your skins are whole.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iv. Sc. 1._
In his old lunes again.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iv. Sc. 2._
So curses all Eve's daughters, of what complexion soever.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act iv. Sc. 2._
This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd
numbers. . . . There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity,
chance, or death.
_The Merry Wives of Windsor. Act v. Sc. 1._
Thyself and thy belongings
Are not thine own so proper as to waste
Thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee.
Heaven doth with us as we with torches do,
Not light them for themselves; for if our virtues
Did not go forth of us, 't were all alike
As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd
But to fine issues, nor Nature never lends
The smallest scruple of her excellence
But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines
Herself the glory of a creditor,
Both thanks and use.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 1._
He was ever precise in promise-keeping.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 2._
Who may, in the ambush of my name, strike home.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 3._[47-1]
I hold you as a thing ensky'd and sainted.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 4._[47-1]
A man whose blood
Is very snow-broth; one who never feels
The wanton stings and motions of the sense.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 4._[47-1]
He arrests him on it;
And follows close the rigour of the statute,
To make him an example.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 4._[47-1]
Our doubts are traitors,
And make us lose the good we oft might win
By fearing to attempt.
_Measure for Measure. Act i. Sc. 4._[47-1]
The jury, passing on the prisoner's life,
May in the sworn twelve have a thief or two
Guiltier than him they try.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 1._
This will last out a night in Russia,
When nights are longest there.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 1._
Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it?
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
No ceremony that to great ones 'longs,
Not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword,
The marshal's truncheon, nor the judge's robe,
Become them with one half so good a grace
As mercy does.[47-2]
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
Why, all the souls that were, were forfeit once;
And He that might the vantage best have took
Found out the remedy. How would you be,
If He, which is the top of judgment, should
But judge you as you are?
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
O, it is excellent
To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he 's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
That in the captain 's but a choleric word
Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 2._
Our compell'd sins
Stand more for number than for accompt.
_Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sc. 4._
The miserable have no other medicine,
But only hope.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
A breath thou art,
Servile to all the skyey influences.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
Palsied eld.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
The sense of death is most in apprehension;
And the poor beetle, that we tread upon,
In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great
As when a giant dies.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
The cunning livery of hell.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
Ay, but to die, and go we know not where;
To lie in cold obstruction and to rot;
This sensible warm motion to become
A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit
To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside
In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice;
To be imprison'd in the viewless winds,
And blown with restless violence round about
The pendent world.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
The weariest and most loathed worldly life
That age, ache, penury, and imprisonment
Can lay on nature, is a paradise
To what we fear of death.
_Measure for Measure. Act iii. Sc. 1._
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.[49-1]
_Measure for Measure.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
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